Before I had long Covid, I used to come here with my family a lot. I love walking and running with our dogs.
I love climbing the trees with my sister and love playing on the rope swings. I can’t come here anymore as it’s not wheelchair-friendly. I’m also tired all day every day, so I get really fatigued just getting up each day.
I miss playing in these woods and running through them with my football. The best thing about this wood is the Narnia Trail. I used to love popping out of the wooden wardrobe. I loved the long path when we thought we’d never get back to the car park and seeing so many other families walking their dogs, too.
As you stand here, think of me and all the other children and adults affected by long Covid. Our world has completely changed and we are no longer able to do the simple things that make us happy. The only way I can see the woods now is by sitting in the car whilst I’m driven past.
I can’t wait to be back in the woods.