A festival in the forest with bunting attatched to the trees. There is some rubbish scattered on the floor and a camping chair. The trees are tall and skinny and the sun is slightly shining through the leaves onto the dusty floor. The sky is blue.

2000Trees, Cheltenham

From Ax


I wish I could be there.

I fondly remember sitting in the sun, listening to acoustic music floating over the hills, drinking cider and relaxing and laughing with my friends.

And I wish I was able to do that still.

I wish I could get there.

I wish I could have enough energy to get around the site.

And I wish I could be exposed to all this new music (that I must admit the stuff that I have and the memories I have, still lift me now). And there are bands that I was introduced to at 2000 Trees that still keep me going today.

โ€ฆand I wish I could be there.

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